
The "Neo-Tot" is a quite frightening theoretical concept of the possible evolutionary (or devolutionary) timeline of a specific subgroup of younger generations of humans who will remain stuck in the 3D timeline for certain reasons, in the next 40 years. They are already starting to emerge in the population.

Neo-tots are the devolutionary group progression of the Tottery phenomenon.

They may be characterized by extreme transhumanistic trends, only knowing TikTok, dualistic information and going viral, extreme confusion and disturbances of identity as to allow the State to enable, comfort and dictate what they are supposed to feel like and be, and absolute nihilation of any scientific or logical acceptance of biology. They will be immature social justice warriors, who have metaphorically no spine and very easily led astray and misled by propaganda, are programmed with alters and multiple personalities that are artificial and falsified, surviving the collapse of society in the 3D timeline, and will exhibit adulterated states in order to survive the collapse of 3D civilization. We can already see the beginning phases on TikTok with DID fakers who use neopronouns, and communities on the LGBTQIA and Gender wikis who create concepts such as "favpergender" or "autigender".

Their identities are completely confused as early as age 8 and they may use social media to advertise it. They will be the professed poster children mentioned in the book "Uncharted Poster Children" by Teiuliyn.

Their obsession with trends such as neurodivergent/gender/sexuality labels, new internet memes, the Metaverse, Vyond, Amino Apps, cancel culture, and anti-conservative values will grow so out of control that it will cause a severe schism between Gen Z / Millenials and Generation Alpha.

Some Zoomers already express a concern for Generation Alpha's future, and will become astounded of their power growing in masses, due to having been deeply enabled to conform to a transhumanist 3D matrix.

The only way to stop the propagation of the neo-tot phenomenon is ascending to a higher frequency of existence by discernment and truth, and stopping transhumanism entirely.

Neo-tots are not human.